original vintage photo - no reprint!
photo of drawing of perspective view of tour trieste (tour louise) - avenue louise / bruxelles.
vue perspective - solution1
dated 12.12.69
plan / drawing by 'bureau d'architecture marcel lambrichs
marcel lambrichs
casimir grochowski
daniel de laveleye - architects
claude emery - architecte associé
108 avenue louise bruxelles 5 tel. 478289'
stamped on back:
'copyright by jean boucher
photograph industriel et publicitaire
agrandissements géants
21a, avenue j.b. depaire
tél. (02) 79.37.71 - bruxelles 2'
size: ~ 23.5 x 23.8 cm (1 cm ~ 039. inch)
condition: very good...please also refer to scans which show complete front and backside of photo.
plan skizze, architektur, turm, tower, brussels, brüssel, 1969, belgien, belgique